Cleaning up after a flood

We will all have some clean up to do over the coming weeks after the massive rain event Townsville and surrounding towns have experienced.

Please take care and ensure you take the following procautions:

Avoiding contact with soil or muddy water.
• Wearing closed in shoes and gloves while cleaning up or working outside
• Wearing a facemask if hosing down mud or cleaning mould.
• Washing any wounds, applying antiseptic then a waterproof dressing and keeping the wound out of dirt and water.

Seek medical advice if you become unwell.

Allied Health At BBMC

Our medical centre has visiting Allied Health practitioners available for your convenience. 

Our receptionists can help you with booking an appointment or you can book online using the link on the home page.

Services currently available:

Physiotherapy - Free Movement Physio - Mitchell Whittick, Brooke Ross and Hayley Carey
Mental Health Social Worker - Rachel Graves

Saturdays at BBMC

Bushland Beach Medical Centre is open every Saturday excluding long weekends.

The opening hours are 8.30am - 12.30pm

Please check with reception for availability of doctors on Saturdays.

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